How to become a better musician

You must invest the time and energy necessary to perform at a professional level if you want to build a career as a musician.

Making mistakes while creating and recording is OK, but while performing live, you must always have impeccable musicianship and stage presence.

No one is perfect, and everyone can grow better, regardless of how long they have been playing their instrument. Here are our suggestions to help you improve as a musician if you're wanting to take the next step toward playing like a pro or looking for new ways to improve your talents.

Plan your objectives

The first step to any improvement is figuring out what you want to improve and, for that matter, why you’re willing to put in the work of improving. This can be as simple as deciding on a few musical goals (like learning how to play a song or read sheet music) or as complex as setting your sights on something bigger like becoming an internationally respected virtuoso.

You may have several great ideas for things that could help improve your skills, but this doesn’t mean they all deserve equal attention or resources right now—and it definitely doesn't mean you should do them all right now!

Instead of trying to tackle everything at once with little success, prioritize which projects will bring the most benefit first and then move on from there when time allows it.

Plan your objectives

Learn how to improvise

Improvisation is something that every musician should practice. Improvisation is the act of composing music in the moment, without preparation. It can be done by anyone, but it takes practice to get good at it. You won't always get it right at first, but you will continue to grow your skills if you keep trying!

Improvisation also helps us learn about music theory, which is basically a set of guidelines that govern how we listen and play music. This is important because there are many rules when creating music.

Have a patient, persistent attitude

A patient, persistent attitude is the single most important takeaway from this article. If you're not willing to work hard and persevere through obstacles and failures, you won't get far as a musician.

The road to becoming better at music is long and tiresome. You will have ups and downs along the way, but if you stick with it, your skills will improve quickly.

It's okay to ask for help when needed; there are plenty of resources available online that will make your journey easier. Don't be afraid to fail or make mistakes; they're part of life!

Have a patient, persistent attitude

Enjoy it

Enjoying your music is the key to becoming a better musician and improving your craft. As you continue to play and learn more, it’s important that you find enjoyment in what you’re doing because having fun is what makes people stick with something long-term.

If we approach music as a work, we will eventually burn out on it. It doesn't matter how good you are if the only reason you continue playing is because it's mandatory for school or for some other external reason. If it's not enjoyable for its own sake, then all hope of long-term success goes out the window!

Set up jam sessions

A jam session is an informal gathering of musicians who come together to play music. It's usually someone's living room or basement, and it can be as small or large as you want it to be.

The goal of a jam session isn't to compete with each other; rather, it should be a fun time where everyone gets up and plays their hearts out for the sake of having fun.

Set up jam sessions

You may also want to consider setting up some mics so that people who play acoustic instruments can sing along with recordings playing through speakers—this makes things much more interactive.

Choose an instructor

The most important thing for you to do is choose an instructor who is a good fit for your personality and learning style. You should also choose an instructor who will help you develop your strengths and weaknesses.

You might want to ask around to see what other people think of their instructors before deciding on one yourself. It's also important that they have the knowledge and experience needed to help you reach your goals as quickly as possible.

Start learning music theory

Music theory is the study of the elements of music: rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and texture. Learning music theory will improve your ability to play or compose music by giving you a deeper understanding of how it works. Music theory will also help you understand what you are listening to and the way it works.

Music theory can help you understand why certain chords sound good together, what makes a melody effective, or how to write more interesting harmonies for your compositions.

Start learning music theory

Learn about your equipment

It's important to know how your equipment works, but it's also just as important to know how to take care of it. If you have a guitar, for example, make sure you're using the right type of strings for your instrument and that they aren't too old or worn out.

You'll want to clean them regularly so dust doesn't build up inside the guitar; this can cause damage over time. At minimum, check once per month for any areas where dust might be collecting and give it a good wipe-down with a dry cloth if necessary.

Find materials online

Many musicians are willing to share their knowledge for free on sites like YouTube, so you can find dozens of videos about how to play different instruments or improve your playing.

There are also courses available that guide students through learning an instrument or practicing skills such as sight-reading sheet music and improvisation.

Find online musicians to collaborate with, jam with, or play with: It’s important to not only practice by yourself but also get out there and meet other people who share common interests in order to build your musical network.

Explore different music genres

It feels good to have a favorite song or album, but it can also get boring if you don’t keep exploring new genres. You should try listening to different styles of music outside of your comfort zone—like jazz, classical, folk, and blues.

Try learning about the history of different musical styles and artists as well as what new artists are doing today that is changing the genre itself (such as rock bands turning into rap groups).

Explore different music genres

Never stop learning

The one thing that is sure to help you become a better musician is to never stop learning. Being curious and open to new perspectives will make you a more well-rounded musician. It’s important not to be afraid of being wrong or admitting you don't know something, because asking questions and getting feedback is an essential part of the process.

True artists never stop learning new things that expand their thinking. Whenever you can, immerse yourself in music and engage in reading, listening, watching, and questioning.

Perform regularly

Performing is a great way to get feedback on your skills. You can hear in the live audience whether you are hitting the right notes, and if you're not quite hitting them, you'll know how to adjust going forward.

Performing has a social aspect: It will give you opportunities to meet new people who love music as much as you do! However, performing can also be stressful, so make sure that before any performance happens, that it's been planned out thoroughly with all necessary supplies.

Perform regularly

You'll get more at ease dealing with a crowd the more you perform in front of others and put yourself out there. Develop your communication skills with the audience, practice your timing, and, most importantly, relax and enjoy yourself.


In this article, we have talked about how to become a better musician. Look through the many suggestions and advice we have posted in our blog section.

If you're interested in giving your music a new dimension by listening to it with whomever you want, at the same time, connected by webcams, just get in touch with us by filling out this form and expressing your desire to participate with your music in CalypsoRoom.

Thanks for reading,
CalypsoRoom Team


Written by CalypsoRoom Editorial Team
The CalypsoRoom Editorial Team is a skilled and diverse group of writers, researchers, and industry specialists who have access to Calypso's data and information in order to give you broad knowledge about the music industry as well as helpful advice to help you manage your music and dancing career.

Updated January 2023

How to become a better musician

#musicartists #musiccareer


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