How to get a raspy voice

The quality of your voice is crucial for media artists. If you perform voice work, sing, or podcast, the audience's reception and response to your message are largely influenced by your voice.

A raspy tone expresses intensity, vigor, and authority to listeners. It naturally arises in some people, primarily as a result of genetic and environmental causes.

If you weren't born with a raspy singing voice, you might be wondering if it's possible to develop one. Yes. It is. Is it healthy? Most likely not.

The most common cause of a hoarse speaking or raspy singing voice is an inappropriately resonating vocal chords, which, if done repeatedly over time, can permanently harm them.

The Function of Vocal Cords

You need to be aware of how the voice functions in order to develop a raspy voice.

Your ability to generate sounds depends on how your vocal cords and larynx are connected. In order to make the sounds, the vocal cords—two folds of membranous tissue across the glottis in the throat—vibrate in the air flow.

The Function of Vocal Cords

Air from the lungs causes the vocal cords to vibrate when you talk, which produces sound waves. In contrast to strained cords, which generate higher-pitched sounds, relaxed cords have a deeper voice.

When you sing, your vocal cords vibrate and come into contact with one another numerous times each second, which causes long-term vocal cord wear and other issues.

In a healthy individual, the voice cords are comparatively straight and join to create an airtight seal. The raspy sound is caused by extra air escaping because there isn't an airtight seal.

How Does a Raspy Voice Happen?


Vocal cords, also known as vocal folds or voice reeds, can become sore from overuse, which can create a brief rasp and harsh voice (dysphonia).

Smoking and alcohol consumption

Due to ongoing inflammation of the throat and vocal chords, people who often smoke or drink may develop a raspy voice.

Smoking and alcohol consumption

Sicknesses and allergies

A raspy or hoarse voice brought on by allergies, infections, or respiratory conditions typically goes away after therapy or recovery from the underlying problem.

Vocal nodules

Vocal nodules are benign growths that form on the vocal folds and affect your vocal range and fatigue. Nodules can also make the voice more prone to breaking, which is challenging for vocal performers like singers. Since vocal nodules can permanently harm the vocal chords if left untreated, surgery is frequently necessary.

Acid reflux

Acid reflux, a disorder that can cause a raspy or deeper voice, is related to gastroesophageal reflux. After having a meal or an acidic beverage, stomach acid can back up into the esophagus and throat, which can result in dryness, irritation, a painful throat, and hoarseness of voice.

Hot to get a raspy voice: tactics to be aware of

Voice tension exercises

You could have a raspy voice after talking at a loud volume for a while, or pretending to cough. Singing at a higher pitch causes your vocal cords to vibrate quickly, irritating your vocal folds and making your voice raspy.

Voice tension exercises

Keep in mind that in order to develop a raspy singing voice, you might need to sing as high as your voice can go, over your vocal range, and talk at a loud volume for several hours.

Having a raspy voice might also result from whispering. This is due to the tight pressure your vocal chords experience when you whisper, which strains your voice.

It is recommended to force air through the muscles in the bottom of your throat and your stomach in order to produce a raspy voice when utilizing this technique for whispering.

Growling is another technique for overusing your voice and causing it to become harsh. Over time, growling will result in a raspy voice as well as a deeper one. The vocal technique is the same one you would use to cough or clear your throat.

Consuming spicy food

Foods that are spicy and cooked in oil, in particular, might irritate your throat and produce phlegm. Phlegm production alters the tone of your voice, and the urge to clear your throat causes your vocal cords to slap together, stressing them out.

A sudden change in diet to include more spicy meals can result in reflux if you're not used to eating spicy foods on a regular basis. Your voice may completely change as a result of the irritation this acid reflux can cause to the tissue around the larynx.

Additionally, compared to other kinds of meal, spicy foods have a higher salt content, which dehydrates the larynx and vocal cords and exacerbates hoarseness.

Consuming spicy food

Loss of vocal moisture

Alcohol consumption severely dehydrates the body as a whole, particularly the mouth and throat. When the vocal cords are prevented from vibrating properly owing to a lack of moisture, the vocal range is restricted, and your voice sounds strained. This results in a husky and raspy voice.

Dehydration of the vocal cords can also result from inadequate water consumption or even from consuming something else in place of water, such as coffee.

To simulate dehydration in a healthier way, immediately inhale ten deep breaths of dry air. The result may be a hoarse voice.

Vocal Fry

Vocal fry is a condition where your vocal folds completely contract and then abruptly pop up, producing a frying or scratchy sound. Glottal fry and glottal scrape are other names for it.

Singers who want to sing lower notes often utilize this method. Additionally, many celebrities now use it when giving remarks at award presentations or in interviews.

Vocal Fry

Performers may also use this technique to hit notes that they ordinarily wouldn't with their normal singing voice or to evoke sensual or emotional moods in their songs. It can be used to strike sounds up to eight octaves lower than your chest voice since the vocal fry vibrates so slowly.

Vocal coaches have found that teaching vocalists to start with a vocal fry can be a useful technique for giving their songs a more aggressive tone and intensity.

The vowel "uhhh”

This is a gentle way of singing raspily. You can practice altering the tone and resonance of your speech to get a raspy voice. Use your lower register, which is in the back of your throat above the chest, to make a vowel sound, such as "uhhhhhh.”

Move it down until you feel your vocal cords gently vibrating if the vibration is coming from your head or nose. Once you obtain a raspy tone, hold the sound and keep the resonance for a long time without tightening or compressing your voice.

Your vocal cords need to be relaxed, thick, and loose throughout this. This vocal fry technique is a fantastic tool for people who can't get rid of strain or tension in their voices with other tools because it doesn't cause any.

When the strain builds, the voice regains its normal tone and loses its unique rasp.

Engage a vocal coach

It is advisable to seek expert assistance if you want to make your voice raspy and hoarse for a musical performance or if you want to improve your speaking in general.

Without consulting a professional, experimenting with your voice can result in polyps or damaged vocal chords. These could put you in a serious situation because polyps call for surgery. Instead, attempt to speak with local voice specialists or trainers or, if you prefer, online.

Engage a vocal coach

Protect your vocal cords - Conclusion

Vocal sounds are produced by delicate muscles and structures. Learning how to control the voice in simpler, non-destructive ways will require a solid understanding of how it functions. Having a raspy voice is simple to achieve if you have enough knowledge of the larynx, voice box, vocal cords, and folds.

To acquire the sound you desire, it's important to avoid extremes and get carried away with quick but dangerous hacks. It won't be ideal to acquire a raspy voice that has been injured.

Knowing how and when to measure the advancement of your raspy voice can prevent you from becoming permanently scarred once you've discovered the technique you believe is ideal when your voice sounds scratchy.

It is best to always be aware of your voice's limitations and to know when to stop using a raspy singing voice because that is not your vocal cords' normal state.

We hope you enjoyed reading this post, and if you'd want more advice for advancing your musical career, please visit our blog area. There, you'll find a lot more helpful articles, tips, and suggestions.

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CalypsoRoom Team


Written by CalypsoRoom Editorial Team
The CalypsoRoom Editorial Team is a skilled and diverse group of writers, researchers, and industry specialists who have access to Calypso's data and information in order to give you broad knowledge about the music industry as well as helpful advice to help you manage your music and dancing career.

Updated January 2023

How to get a raspy voice

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