The best ways to convince your parents to let you go to a festival

Overprotective parents who insisted on knowing where we were at all times were a continual headache for us. Naturally, it was difficult to convince them to let us attend a three-day music festival in the middle of the desert. Over the years, we figured out a few ways to make them feel more comfortable when we were away at a festival.

Some parents are more concerned about the event itself, while others are more concerned about your accommodations. It's up to you to show your parents the benefits of festivals in contrast to the majority of news stories they read about their dangers.

Focus more on the safety elements and demonstrate to them that you are mature enough to manage the excitement of a music festival. Here is our tried-and-true advice for persuading your parents to support your plans.

The best ways to convince your parents to let you go to a festival

Use it as a reward for a task you've completed

Show your parents that you deserve to attend a music festival for yourself since they are unforgettable, motivating, and really entertaining experiences. It's possible that you recently, excelled in your sport, or produced an outstanding exam. Maybe you graduated from high school or got into the college of your dreams!

Use it as a reward for a task you've completed

Use your most recent success to demonstrate to your parents that you work hard and are a responsible person. Make your parents' best present ever—a music festival—because most parents will want to offer you a lovely gift as a congrats.

Show off your enthusiasm

When your parents can sense that you are very eager to see a certain performer or hang out with friends you haven't seen in a while, they are undoubtedly more likely to agree with you.

Play them the tunes you can't stop listening to, and show them footage of the performers you can't wait to see! Show them the festival's promotional film, if it’s suitable, so they can see for themselves how amazing it would be.

When choosing which artists to introduce to your parents so that they might comprehend you, pick bands that they could like. They'll allow you to go as soon as they notice how enthusiastic you are while talking about the artists you wish to watch!

Show off your enthusiasm

Show accountability

They are far more likely to allow you to go to a festival if you demonstrate that you are intelligent, responsible, and capable of traveling without them. Make a note of all potential expenses for the event, including petrol, travel, parking, meals, a hotel, shuttles, clothing, and anything else.

Determine the most efficient way to travel to the festival, whether it be by car, rail, or aircraft. A detailed strategy rather than hypothetical scenarios is usually preferable when presenting to parents. They will understand exactly what they are committing to if you can provide them with actual numbers and plans.

Show accountability

Introduce your friends to your parents

Especially during a festival when there may be temptations, parents are always on the lookout for negative influences. Inform your parents about all of your buddies that you'll be hanging out with; don't lie to them because they'll probably see photographs.

Ideally, you'll be going with someone your parents already know, but if not, introduce your friends to your parents in advance so they feel more at ease about who you'll be hanging out with.

Introduce your friends to your parents

Additionally, make sure you are traveling with trustworthy companions who will watch out for you at the festival and praise their virtues to your parents. You need pals who won't hesitate to take care of you, whether that means skipping a few minutes of a set to go to the restroom with you, or even going home early if you're feeling bad.

Emphasize the festival, camp, and hotel's safety aspects

In the end, what your parents really want is for you to be safe. We've discovered that conducting some research and learning everything about the safety precautions is the best approach to persuading them to allow us to go anywhere.

Choose a hotel in a secure location (not a motel in the center of a sketchy neighborhood), and demonstrate to your parents the many restaurants and shops around to convince them that the neighborhood is secure.

Emphasize the festival, camp, and hotel's safety aspects

Establish the specifics of the medical and visitor care facilities for the festival. Affirm that security is strict and that no harmful things will be let through the gates when you show them the list of forbidden items. Most festivals have security and medical facilities spread out to make sure all visitors are secure, healthy, and satisfied.

The best ways to convince your parents to let you go to a festival - Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed our top suggestions for convincing your parents to let you go to a festival. They genuinely want you to be secure, as we previously stated, so it is quite normal that they would ask you a number of questions that, as of right now, if you follow our best advice, you will be able to respond to without hesitation.

If you liked this post and would want to read more advices and general information about the music industry, please visit our blog section.

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Thanks for reading,
CalypsoRoom Team

#festivals #musiclovers #recommendations


Written by CalypsoRoom Editorial Team
The CalypsoRoom Editorial Team is a skilled and diverse group of writers, researchers, and industry specialists who have access to Calypso's data and information in order to give you broad knowledge about the music industry as well as helpful advice to help you manage your music and dancing career.

Updated January 2023

The best ways to convince your parents to let you go to a festival

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