How to stop voice cracking: causes and best remedies

Vocal strain, such as that caused by puberty's fast larynx expansion or by forcing the voice into higher or lower ranges, can result in vocal cracking.

You may prevent embarrassing cracking by learning how to utilize your voice correctly and how to relieve a fatigued voice using at-home treatments.

Here are our top suggestions for avoiding voice cracks, caring for your voice, and effective voice cracking treatments you can use right away. In this post we'll show you how to avoid vocal fatigue and voice cracking when singing.

Causes of voice cracking


Voice cracks are most frequently caused by this. This kind of vocal crack is also entirely typical. In order to aid in the growth and development of additional traits known as secondary sexual characteristics, hormone production dramatically rises throughout puberty in males (and, to a lesser extent, in girls).


Your vocal area is experiencing the following during this time: Your throat's larynx descends, your voice folds thicken and enlarge, the muscles and ligaments around the larynx expand, and the mucous membranes surrounding the vocal folds divide into new layers.

Your vocal cords' motions while you speak may become unstable due to this abrupt change in size, shape, and thickness. As you grow adjusted to the altered anatomical configuration in your neck, the muscles are more likely to suddenly tighten or lose control, resulting in a crack or squeak.


For appropriate movement, your vocal folds need to be wet. The vocal folds can't move as smoothly and may irregularly alter size or form when you talk or sing if you haven't had any water or other liquids in a while.

Additionally, dehydration can result from drinking alcohol or coffee, both of which are diuretics that increase urination, or from excessive sweating without adequate hydration. All of these may cause voice crackling, hoarseness, or raspiness.

Raising or lowering your voice

The cricothyroid muscle's action determines the pitch of your voice. This muscle should be utilized gently, cautiously, and after training, just like any other muscle. If used too quickly or without sufficient warming up, the muscle may stiffen and become difficult to move.

The laryngeal muscles can swiftly tighten, relax, expand, or contract if you attempt to aggressively change your pitch or loudness without first performing some vocal exercises. This is especially true of the cricothyroid muscle.

Your voice cracks as a result of the cricothyroid muscle's rapid movement while attempting to change from a high to a low pitch or loudness.

Raising or lowering your voice

Vocal cord lesions

Long-term speaking, singing, or yelling can irritate your vocal folds and potentially harm this tissue, causing lesions, which are injuries.

The vocal tissues stiffen when the lesions heal, creating nodules—calloused patches. Additionally, allergies, sinus infections, and acid reflux can result in lesions.


Inflammation of the vocal folds or laryngeal muscles is known as laryngitis. This often results from a viral illness, although it can also occur if you just use your voice excessively.


If laryngitis is brought on by illness or overuse, it often only lasts a short while. The vocal folds and larynx can be irreversibly damaged by continuous laryngitis, which can be caused by inflammation brought on by long-term conditions including smoking, acid reflux, or air pollution.


Your entire body tenses up when you're worried or anxious. This may also apply to the laryngeal muscles. The muscles don't move as readily when they are stiff or tight. Your vocal folds can no longer move freely because of this.

As a result of the folds' difficulty moving in response to variations in pitch and loudness, this may cause strains or fractures when you speak.


How to stop voice cracking - Remedies

Engage in regular voice exercise

If you are interested in singing, regular vocal exercises should already be a part of your daily/weekly schedule. But in practice, a lot of singers overlook the value of these exercises and don't perform them as frequently as they ought to.

The muscles that surround your voice chords can be strengthened by performing vocal exercises every day (or every other day). They won't abruptly tighten or loosen due to this (causing the cracking sound).

Keep hydrated

Drink lots of water throughout the day to avoid dry vocal chords, which can lead to voice strain and cracking. Eight glasses of water per day are suggested as the ideal amount.

Keep hydrated

You should ideally be drinking once every 30 minutes. The best way to achieve this is by regularly sipping from a bottle of liquid. You should drink water three hours before singing since it takes three hours for water to reach your vocal chords.

Eat and drink healthily

The mucus in your throat might accumulate as a result of eating certain foods, including dairy, fats, and sweets. As you sing, this mucus may obstruct the airflow and cause a crack. Alcohol and caffeine are examples of other foods and beverages that might dehydrate you.

Protect your voice

The following are some tips for voice protection:

- Warm up your voice before singing.
- Be aware of your vocal range and stick to it.
- When necessary, take voice pauses (such as after a performance or a long day of speaking or singing).
- Avoid whispering or loud singing (both can strain the voice).

Breathe effectively

There are proper and improper breathing techniques in the field of singing. Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique taught to singers.

In a nutshell, when you breathe from your diaphragm, your stomach should expand rather than your chest. You might not naturally breathe in this manner, and inhaling improperly might make singing more challenging. Your vocal chords are thus put under stress, which may cause voice cracking.

Breathe effectively


If you're tense, our voice automatically rises. Try to unwind and take long, deep breaths if you are speaking in front of a crowd. Avoid being anxious; this will make the air in your larynx travel through it in an unsteady manner, changing the pitch. Calm down a bit.

Give your voice plenty of time to relax before giving a major public performance or speech. Try to avoid speaking aloud or raising your voice.


How to stop voice cracking - Conclusion

Several factors might cause your voice to crack. However, there's no reason to be concerned, particularly if you're in the middle of puberty or have just been chatting a lot.

If you observe any long-term alterations in your voice or general health that have led to persistent voice cracking, consult a doctor. If required, they can determine the reason and give you treatment alternatives.

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Written by CalypsoRoom Editorial Team
The CalypsoRoom Editorial Team is a skilled and diverse group of writers, researchers, and industry specialists who have access to Calypso's data and information in order to give you broad knowledge about the music industry as well as helpful advice to help you manage your music and dancing career.

Updated January 2023

How to stop voice cracking: causes and best remedies

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